Many Medical Doctors with Various Careers and Specialties are on the Registry
Our service holds Medical Doctors with various careers, including those active at the forefront of the medical field in multiple specialties and those with experience in medical institution management and business management.
Matching the Best Medical Doctors for Your Needs
Our professional consultants will set up an online interview with Medical Doctors who have the most suitable background and knowledge for your company's needs from among many registered physicians.
Direct contract with Medical Doctors
Project-based / long-term advisory or consulting contracts with Medical Doctors are available upon request.
Recommended for the following companies' needs
Companies that are considering entering the medical field
You need Medical Doctors to supervise your services or products.
You need Medical Doctors' knowledge for interviews and writing.
DocNok is a medical personnel matching service operated by BeElpis, Inc., that connects Medical Doctors with medical institutions, companies, and each other.
Company name: BeElpis Inc. Company website: Representative Director: Hanae Uemura Location: 3F Hulic JP Akasaka Building, 2-5-8 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japanese paid employment placement license number 13-Yu-315644